Knitting Socks Flat

Hello and welcome to The Ordinary Knitter – Knitting Socks Flat, the knitting podcast that’s (mostly) about the projects, sponsored by Ecoflap home draughtproofing products including the Petflap draughtproof pet door. Find out more about the Petflap at thepetflap.com.

My name is Heather and I’m @theordknitter on Twitter, @theordinaryknitter on Instagram and @ordinaryknitting on Ravelry. This time: DROPS Nord yard, my new KnitPro SmartStix, an interview with Punam Farmah, and when is it a good idea to buy yarn?
Ft books:
Ft yarns:
Ft needles:
Knitting Socks Flat

I was delighted to talk to Punam Farmah, aka The Horticultural Hobbit and to be found on Twitter and Instagram. Punam is a woman of many parts: teacher, counsellor, allotmenteer, knitter and writer just for starters.
Punam got in touch recently to ask about interpreting a pattern, which led on to a conversation about knitting socks flat. I’d never heard of this. I admit my mental picture at first was something very elongated that you seamed up both sides. The reality is that you knit one much wider piece and seam it up just one side, which makes far more sense.

In the interview Punam tells us how she learnt to knit, and what led her to try socks. She describes how to knit socks flat, how she’s responded to learning a new skill, and whether she plans to knit socks again. Just a trigger warning – we mention the c-word: crochet. If it brings you out in a sweat as it does Punam and me, just take a few deep breaths and think about alpacas.
Music credit:
“Carpe Diem” Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License