Welcome to The Ordinary Knitter, a new knitting podcast. I aim to release at least one 20 minute podcast every week. I use everyday, affordable yarns and more often than not free patterns from Ravelry or somewhere else on the internet.
Warning – deeply dodgy broadcast quality! Please bear with me as I learn how to do this properly. I’m falling over myself with enthusiasm at the moment and just want to get this on the go.
Episode 1: Knitting podcast
Welcome to episode 1 of my new knitting podcast. In this episode: introducing myself, talking about current projects and associated issues (ie disasters), and looking at ideas for the future of the podcast.
I started this podcast as the knitting podcasts I’ve listened to, while enjoyable, don’t focus on the things that interest me most. I like to talk about why I settle on the patterns I knit, why I chose the yarns and what happened as the project progressed. The podcasts I’ve listened to have tended to be about yarns more than actual knitting, so I hope there’s a place for a podcast that rather iconoclastically doesn’t put yarn centre stage.
Please leave me a comment, let me know what you think, and find me on Instagram @theordinaryknitter and on Ravelry as OrdinaryKnitting.
Ft knitting patterns:
- Shawl Collar Vest by Jennifer Miller (link to my Ravelry page). I’ve nicknamed this the Seaside Shrug as the colours are my mother’s favourite sea colours and I think of this garment type as a shrug rather than a shawl.
- Ribbed Socks for Kids by Susan B Anderson (link to my Ravelry project page)
An early pair of socks for my daughter, too thick to wear under normal shoes and with a lovely tight cuff cast on! When I made these I didn’t even know there were different ways of casting on and bindng off (listen to episode 5 for a discussion of the terms cast off/bind off). Generally I learn the hard way but I’m getting better!
Listened to, and agreed with your first podcast, suddenly it reverted back to the beginning,, thought it was me so downloaded and tried again but same thing happened. Didn’t get to hear about current projects, but don’t worry, will I carry on with DH’s socks, I knit on two pairs of magic loop needles.
Hi PixieMum. Thanks for trying so hard to listen! This sounds like more than the iOS problem I’d understood was the cause, so I’ll get resident IT genius DH to look into it and solve the problem.