Welcome to The Ordinary Knitter, a knitting podcast discussing projects, yarns and patterns. My name is Heather and I’m @theordknitter on Twitter, @theordinaryknitter on Instagram and @ordinaryknitting on Ravelry. This week: #sksitandknit and #knittinghour on Twitter, duplicate October, finishing the Clog Socks, progress on Ivy, weaving in ends on stocking stitch rolled edges and Scandimash mittens. Btw I recorded this on Tuesday but took forever to get it up online. I doubt anyone was holding their breath but here it is, better late than never I hope.
Ft knitting patterns:
Ft knitting videos:
Weaving in ends
I asked #sksitandknit for help with weaving in ends on rolled stocking stitch edges as I’d come up against it when I made the Ladybird hat and knew I would again on the rolled edges of the Clog Socks. It turned into a messy old nightmare with the hat and I wanted to avoid all that again. User @sarahfigg82 made a genius suggestion – duplicate stitch. If you’re following an existing stitch pattern with the same colour yarn then the weaving in will be much less obvious. Sarah went on to say tht unfortunately this method doesn’t work as well with thicker yarn, which I could see, but it had given me an idea. I combined the two bind offs I use: my ‘old’ style and the bind off I use on rib or anything other than acres of flat stocking stitch is to catch the yarn through the back of the stitches, so all I did for this was catch the yarn through the back of the stitches until the end of the yarn was well out of sight, then wove in the ends properly. It seems to have worked pretty well. I took the socks to the Woolpack on Friday and was asked very gently if I would block them – fair enough, it does make a difference. I’ve since finished the wristwarmers I was making too, so I’ll block those as well while I’m at it. I’ve made one of the thumb holes a little too small so I’ll see if I can stretch it a little while it’s wet. I need to block my Capitan hat too as it has a tendency to rise up a little on the crown of my head. Fortunately that’s on fleek at the moment but I feel a bit of a twit like that so I want to block it flatter. My mother has a polystyrene head I can borrow (explains a lot!) so that should be pretty straightforward.
Music credit:
“Carpe Diem” Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
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