Afterthought heel: The Ordinary Knitter – episode 14

The Ordinary Knitter Podcast
Afterthought heel: The Ordinary Knitter - episode 14

Episode 14: Afterthought heel

Welcome to The Ordinary Knitter, a knitting podcast discussing projects, yarns and patterns. This week: project vs process knitting, holiday knitting, the afterthought heel, knitted summer hats and a gift for my aunt. By the way, I’ven given up on iTunes. I gave it another really good go last week but it’s just too involved for a complete non-Apple user (I’m a non-Windows user too – Linux all the way for me!). I’ve also tinkered with different themes for the website, but for now this is as good as it gets.

Ft knitting patterns:

Ft knitting videos:

Ft knitting tutorial pages:

Afterthought heel

afterthought heelIt turns out that what I thought was an afterthought heel is in fact a forethought heel. I recommend Louise Tilbrook’s blog post and tutorial (that last link above) for explaining the difference between afterthought and forethought heels. Essentially a forethought heel (but what usually leaps to mind when you think of an afterthought heel) is one that you mark with scrap yarn as you go along, marking the place of the heel while still mid-sock, so you re in fact planning it with forethought. A true afterthought heel is one that you pick up for when you’ve completed the sock, having made or left no mark at all to indicate its place as you’ve knitted your tube sock.

As I explain in the pod, I can’t see how a true afterthought heel sock works when you need to know where to start knitting the pattern all round the leg, which I usually do need to know. This makes me think that a forethought heel will be better this time and it gets me used to the whole thing, then I can try a true afterthought heel on socks for my son.


Music credit:

“Carpe Diem” Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License



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