Halloween knitting: The Ordinary Knitter – episode 24

The Ordinary Knitter Podcast
Halloween knitting: The Ordinary Knitter - episode 24

Welcome to The Ordinary Knitter, a knitting podcast discussing projects, yarns and patterns. This week: progress on To the Sea version 2, halloween knitting, being the needle diva and yarn is back in Aldi, squeee! Please forgive my coldy voice and the slight jumps in volume. I had to keep stopping to cough for Britain so the sound has ended up a bit lumpy. I went to add the link to the mini stockings for bunting, but the link now goes to a 404 error message, so I can’t share it. I’ve asked for an updated URL so I’ll share that when I get it. Apologies for ending rather abruptly but I was fading fast. I’ll be fighting fit next week 😀

Ft knitting patterns:

Ft knitting videos:

I can’t remember why now but I needed to increase my stitch count on the purl side this week so I looked up Staci Perry’s video:

Halloween knitting

halloween knittingWe’re a few weeks away yet, but knitted items don’t happen overnight so it’s probably time to get orange yarn on the needles. I’m very keen on these little guys for halloween knitting – apple cosies. Whether they get taken ot school or just sit in the fruit bowl, they’re cheerful and not remotely scary. I’m the hallowe’en grinch and don’t go in for all the ‘fun’ and games, far less allow my children to go trick or treating (it seems very demanding and rather rude) but I’m happy to knock out a few of these. The orange aran yarn was from Tiger last year, and I have enough for a couple more cosies.

I charted out my own face and will do a couple more different faces. If they work out okay I’ll happily share the charts.



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