Welcome to episode 44 of The Ordinary Knitter, the knitting podcast that’s (mostly) about the projects. My name is Heather and I’m @theordknitter on Twitter, @theordinaryknitter on Instagram and @ordinaryknitting on Ravelry. This week: increase stitches, Orchard on the Hill hat and finally, a sport weight project for me: Herz by Claudia Eisenkolb.
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Increase stitches
There are all sorts of options when working increase stitches, and usually the designer will stipulate the appropriate increase stitch in the pattern. The most common I come across are M1L and M1R, which gives you a left- or right-leaning increase stitch. If you don’t know how to do these visit the link above which will take you to a Staci Perry video. I always use Staci’s videos if possible as they are so clear, well-presented and free of unnecessary faff and chat. For some reason I find it almost impossible to keep the two M1R and M1L methods in my head and have to refer to a video or notes every single flipping time, which becomes a real bore when you have several of each in every row.
My preferred increase is KFB: knit front and back. It’s an extremely simple increase method but doesn’t achieve the same design ends as a left- or right-leaning stitch and isn’t as invisible. I’ve decided to use it for Herz, however, as I think my cack-handed execution of the M1 methods were contributing to laddering that I was getting between knit and purl sections. These are worse as I’m knitting round a marker too, so I decided all in all to use KFB, move it in one stitch when it’s by a laddered section and see if that improves matters. If all else fails I can cover it up with my hair as these increases are up high on the back.
Music credit:
“Carpe Diem” Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
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