Ivy, the debrief: The Ordinary Knitter – episode 39

The Ordinary Knitter Podcast
Ivy, the debrief: The Ordinary Knitter - episode 39

IvyWelcome to episode 39 of The Ordinary Knitter, the knitting podcast that’s (mostly) about the projects. My name is Heather and I’m @theordknitter on Twitter, @theordinaryknitter on Instagram and @ordinaryknitting on Ravelry. This week: Ivy is finished, hurrah! Today I talk about the whole experience and reveal my thoughts on the fit. The other project I discuss is Taylor, a jumper my daughter has asked for and that I now have to shoe-horn in to my knitting ‘schedule’, ie my mental list of projects. A Twitter user I know asked recently whether anyone has trouble deciding what to do next – I have the opposite problem of having far too many projects rearing up in front of me, all clamouring to be made. Taylor needs a little bit of tinkering to meet my daughter’s requirements, so no doubt that will give me something to think about. Apologies for talking so fast – I’m just so excited to be back at the mic after two weeks off!

Ft knitting patterns

  • Ivy
  • Taylor – the original is quite different from the image with the Ravelry link, which has a different neckline

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Ft Ravelry threads

Ft knitting needles


Ivy has been with me for quite a while. I started it in November but it had to take a back seat while the Christmas knitting was underway. I was determined to finish it once Christmas was over, and managed that a couple of weeks ago. I don’t like it as much as I’d hoped and might end up giving it to my mother, but whatever happens, the armholes need some attention. My sleeve problem strikes again, so when I’ve finished all the other knitting I have going on I’ll investigate the armholes and see if I can work out whether they’re too small, the sleeves are too big, or both.

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