Knitted baubles: The Ordinary Knitter – episode 28

The Ordinary Knitter Podcast
Knitted baubles: The Ordinary Knitter - episode 28

Welcome to The Ordinary Knitter, a knitting podcast discussing projects, yarns and patterns. This week: knitted baubles, To the Sea is finished, Stitch Fiddle, charity knitting, Ivy by Glenna C, wrap tops and the joy of Crocs. A longer episode this week as I’m in rambling, reflective mode. This time we were uninterrupted by social media alerts, small boys or large husbands, always a bonus.

Ft knitting patterns:

Ft knitting videos:

Ft knitting sites:

Ft knitting books:

Knitted baubles

Look at these lumpy horrors! Have you ever lain in bed in the morning, knowing you have to get up, not wanting to, and fantasising about breaking a leg or something so that you can loll about doing nothing for a few weeks? No? Just me? Oh well. I’m not claiming a broken leg is a walk in the park and a slipped disc certainly had its moments (I remember the victory, after a month, of being able to put my socks on all by myself), but I won’t deny I loved being able to sit and knit for three weeks, while listening to podcasts. It was sheer bliss.

I had just acquired 55 Christmas Balls to Knit by Arne & Carlos from the library, and set to. The knitting itself went well and I started developing personalised designs for family and friends. They make lovely teacher presents; children can come up with design ideas and a colour scheme, even if they can’t do the actual knitting. It was the stuffing that let me down. I’ve taken a tip from an Instagrammer (I’m so sorry not to credit by name but the conversation was ages ago and I just can’t remember who it was) and will this year be knitting them over a polystyrene ball. I’ll let you know how it goes…


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