Produce bags
Welcome to Produce bags, episode 61 of The Ordinary Knitter, the knitting podcast that’s (mostly) about the projects. Find it on iTunes or acast, or subscribe via the feed link on the right hand bar (
My name is Heather and I’m @theordknitter on Twitter, @theordinaryknitter on Instagram and @ordinaryknitting on Ravelry. I’m making slow progress with the podcast this year, but just lately my knitting rate has picked up and I hope to have a bit more to say. This week: sock progress, produce bags, yarn purchases and a return to baby knitting.
Ft knitting patterns:
Ft yarns:
Produce bags
I’ve been wanting to make some of these for a while. I’m keen to reduce plastic use and get very upset that loose produce can be more expensive than packaged, especially as I have a family that can eat a vast amount of fruit and veg (particularly fruit!). I was also looking for a present I could make from stash for a present for my mum, whose birthday is close to mother’s day, and this seemed like the ideal thing.
There are several bag patterns on Ravelry but they tend to be for quite large bags and I needed a smallish one, say for six apples or tomatoes. Jackie’s Goodie Bags seemed just the thing, although without the handle as I didn’t think it would add anything. I would add the handle if I was making a present for a child. I did wonder about developing a clutch-style handle rather than a strap-style handle, but I don’t have time for it at the moment. The knitting clock has begun ticking in earnest again!
Music credit:
“Carpe Diem” Kevin MacLeod (
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