Sleep pods

Welcome to Sleep pods, episode 62 of The Ordinary Knitter, the knitting podcast that’s (mostly) about the projects. Find it on iTunes or acast, or subscribe via the feed link on the right hand bar (https://www.theordinaryknitter.net/feed/podcast).
My name is Heather and I’m @theordknitter on Twitter, @theordinaryknitter on Instagram and @ordinaryknitting on Ravelry. Apologies for the croakiness this week (then again I have been frogging), but I can’t pass up this opportunity to knock out a pod. This week: sleep sack progress, produce bags in the wild and yet more yarn purchases. Perhaps this episode should be called The Mother’s Day one.
Ft knitting patterns:
Ft yarns:
Sleep pods

I’ve had a lot to say about sleep pods in the last couple of years, and here we are again. Having intended to make the Baby Cocoon Sack and Cap I’ve ended up making the Owlie Sleep Sack (and hat). It’s been a very bumpy ride but as far as I’ve gone with the Owlie Sleep Sack I’m much happier, snapped needles notwithstanding, and anyway that’s a great excuse for acquiring new needles. I’m feeling the need for some sort of smart needle storage set-up as I’m beginning to lose track of what I have and my original KnitPro Symfonie set bag has long since had a broken zip. How anyone can say I’m hard to buy for baffles me.
In this case I switched projects as I was struggling to make elements of the Baby Cocoon Sack and Cap work out well. I had laddering and colour jogs and the sack itself looked enormous. After three attempts I felt switching projects was my only option. One advantage of this is that I don’t need three colours for my next project and can instead choose a yarn with variegation or a marl in it, so I’ve settled on Sugar n Cream Twists in Barnboard Twists, a cheerful summery mix of red, yellow and white.
Music credit:
“Carpe Diem” Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
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